Wednesday, April 25, 2012

One Tree Hill -- Final Episode of Series

“It's the oldest story in the world. One day you're 17 and planning for someday...and then, quietly, and without you ever really noticing...someday is today. And then someday is yesterday. And this is your life.” ~Nathan Scott

“If you had a friend you knew you'd never see again...what would you say? If you could do one last thing for someone you love...what would it be? Say it. Do it. Don't wait. Nothing lasts forever.” ~Brooke Davis

“This night is yours. This night is ours. And it's full of all kinds of surprises.” ~Haley James Scott

"What you do matters." ~Mouth

I'm proud of you too. “Those nights you were trying to figure out who you're gonna be… you got there, whatever it took, you made it. And I'm so in love with the girl you became.” ~Julian Baker

“That's right. Now look, the important thing to that you don't have any responsibility to any of those people. Not to them, not to me. You have to find what makes you happy. Be a good man while you chase whatever that is...but whatever it is, is up to you.” ~Nathan Scott

Brooke:  I like that our street is called Grace. I've never known anybody with as much of it as you.
Haley:  It'll be a nice corner.
Brooke:  It'll be our corner.

“It doesn't matter how you plan it. It doesn't matter how you envision it. Without even knowing it, sometimes life has a way of finding you...with exactly what you need. Or exactly who you need. ~Quinn

Haley:  What is all of this?
Nathan:  No questions. This is your house special.
Haley:  Mac and cheese. Food of the gods.
Nathan:  And for dessert...
Haley:  What are you up to, Nathan Scott?
Nathan:  It's okay to have dessert first.
Haley:  Good. Ah, it's so beautiful, honey.
Nathan:  No, you're beautiful. This will just be a nice accessory. Now, don't say that you never gave me anything because you have. You've given me an amazing life. And I do love you so.