Wednesday, April 25, 2012

One Tree Hill -- Final Episode of Series

“It's the oldest story in the world. One day you're 17 and planning for someday...and then, quietly, and without you ever really noticing...someday is today. And then someday is yesterday. And this is your life.” ~Nathan Scott

“If you had a friend you knew you'd never see again...what would you say? If you could do one last thing for someone you love...what would it be? Say it. Do it. Don't wait. Nothing lasts forever.” ~Brooke Davis

“This night is yours. This night is ours. And it's full of all kinds of surprises.” ~Haley James Scott

"What you do matters." ~Mouth

I'm proud of you too. “Those nights you were trying to figure out who you're gonna be… you got there, whatever it took, you made it. And I'm so in love with the girl you became.” ~Julian Baker

“That's right. Now look, the important thing to that you don't have any responsibility to any of those people. Not to them, not to me. You have to find what makes you happy. Be a good man while you chase whatever that is...but whatever it is, is up to you.” ~Nathan Scott

Brooke:  I like that our street is called Grace. I've never known anybody with as much of it as you.
Haley:  It'll be a nice corner.
Brooke:  It'll be our corner.

“It doesn't matter how you plan it. It doesn't matter how you envision it. Without even knowing it, sometimes life has a way of finding you...with exactly what you need. Or exactly who you need. ~Quinn

Haley:  What is all of this?
Nathan:  No questions. This is your house special.
Haley:  Mac and cheese. Food of the gods.
Nathan:  And for dessert...
Haley:  What are you up to, Nathan Scott?
Nathan:  It's okay to have dessert first.
Haley:  Good. Ah, it's so beautiful, honey.
Nathan:  No, you're beautiful. This will just be a nice accessory. Now, don't say that you never gave me anything because you have. You've given me an amazing life. And I do love you so.

One Tree Hill -- Final Episode of Series

“Why do people waste so much time fighting… and where does it get us?” ~Brooke Davis

“It's funny how our past frames us. How the person we used to be never lets loose of the person we are. Past failures and disappointments...even victories take hold of us. They haunt us like ghosts or visit us like old friends.” ~Julian Baker

“The name Jimmy Edwards will always mean something to this town. He's remembered as the confused boy who took a handgun to school... and then took his own life. The name Keith Scott was also enshrined that a would-be hero who tried to intervene. This is how time remembers them. It's not how I remember them. I knew them as friends, as did Antwon. And I knew them as sports fans. Both believed that at their best, sports and athletes can be transcendent. They can remind us that an underdog can still find glory...and that there might still be magic left in David's sling. So today, I'm proud to announce...the Edwards-Scott Memorial Scholarship Program. A scholarship program for college-bound students...who plan to pursue any sports-related majors. Coaches, trainers, coordinators and, yes, broadcasters. It's not my intention that one day this scholarship fund will erase the past...but it is my intention that one day it might eclipse it...and remind a new generation of sports fans that what you do matters...and how you do it matters. I'm Marvin McFadden. Whammo Kablammo.” ~Mouth

Nathan:  We should go for a walk. Want to?
Haley:  It's pouring outside.
Nathan:  Exactly. Let's go.

“I wished for this. Right here, without even knowing it. I wished for you and our family and this. Come here. Ever since New York, I wanted to come home. I just knew in my heart that there was treasure here...and I found it. In our sons. In my parents. In you. This house always wanted to be home and now it will be. Our home. Everyone should have that. A place that makes them happy.” ~Brooke Davis

“Human beings are ambitious. We spend so much time wanting, pursuing, wishing. For the most part, that's okay. Ambition is good. Chasing things with integrity is good. Dreaming. As long as the chase doesn't diminish what we already have. The goodness we take for granted, the people we take for granted. The lives we take for granted.” ~Haley James Scott

“My life is good.” ~Haley James Scott

“It's a magical place, son. I've seen that magic in your eyes for the last nine years. There's only one Tree Hill, Jamie Scott, and it's your home.” ~Haley James Scott

One Tree Hill -- Final Episode of Series

“Against all odds and in the face of all kinds of obstacles...almost every wish in here came true. This is your secret now. Your magic. So think about your wishes... use them wisely, and only make predictions...about things you're absolutely certain will make you happy. And most importantly, don't tell a soul. Except your mom. ~Haley James Scott

Oh, I don't know. “What makes any high school special? This is where it all happened for the first time. The heartache and the happiness. All of it. Being in this hallway...feels like it was yesterday. I wake up sometimes and I miss it. But this is good. It's all still right here.” ~Brooke Davis

All the crowd singing the song “I Don’t Wanna Be” with Gavin DeGraw, especially the cast.

CROWD: “I don't wanna be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately. All I have to do is think of me and I have peace of mind. I'm tired of looking 'round rooms wondering what I've got to do. Or who I'm supposed to be I don't wanna be anything other than me I don't wanna be I don't wanna be anything Anything other than me.“

Nathan:  It's the oldest story in the world. One day you're 17 and planning for someday. And then, quietly, and without you ever really noticing...someday is today. Then someday is yesterday. And this is your life.
Haley:  We spend so much time wanting, pursuing, wishing. But ambition is good. Chasing things with integrity is good. Dreaming.
Brooke:  If you had a friend you knew you'd never see again... what would you say? If you could do one last thing for someone you love...what would it be? Say it. Do it. Don't wait. Nothing lasts forever.
Mouth:  Make a wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want. Everything you want.
Millie:  Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true.
Quinn:  You never know where the next miracle is gonna come from.
Clay:  The next memory. The next smile. The next wish come true.
Chase:  But if you believe that it's right around the corner...
Chris:  And you open your heart and mind to the possibility of the certainty of it...
Skills:  You just might get the thing you're wishing for.
Julian:  The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it.

Brooke:  So make your wish. Do you have it?
Nathan:  Good. Now believe in it.
Haley:  With all your heart.

End of the episode and the series… Goodnight Tree Hill